We Are An Organization Dedicated to Maintain and Promote the Admiration and Ownership of Classic Thunderbirds. To serve as a medium for the exchange of ideas, information, parts, care and maintenance with safe and courteous operation.
We host our get togethers at various locations. Restaurants, Car-oriented events, a Park and in members homes. Usually the second weekend of each month.
As a member of the Maumee Valley Thunderbird Club you can exchange information about Thunderbirds, keep abreast of T-Bird happenings, and stay current on our activities thru our newsletter “The Hoodscoop” and this Website.
If you are a Thunderbird Fancier, Please Contact Us or Download a Membership Application Form And Join Us.
You are welcome to attend one of our meetings to see if our club is right for you.
Contact Us for Time, Date & Place.
Q: How can I join the Maumee Valley Thunderbirds?
A: Download an application form and mail it to the enclosed address
Q: How much are your dues?
A: Dues are $25.00 per calendar year, Jan 1st thru Dec 31st
Q: Do I have to own a Thunderbird to become a member?
A: No, Thunderbird ownership is not required