Guaranteed Leads / Setup Instructions
No email opt in OR capture page required...
#1, we plug you right into our already existing lead ads, producing up to 3K leads per month.
#2, our leads work with GetResponse & ActiveCampaign email autoresponders (others by request)
Each email autoresponder is slightly different in how they integrate with the direct API.
Below are instructions and the setup form for ActiveCampaign & GetResponse (others on request).
ActiveCampaign: the API key is found under "Settings" > "Developer" - key. The "List Name" is found under "Lists", simply provide the name of the list you want the leads to be put on.
Note: as you grow in complexity with your email list and want to change for example, the list name to another list for filtering purposes; be sure to contact me directly to make these changes on my end so leads continue to flow.
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